Hola hola!
I want to thank wholeheartedly to Awandy and all members of Go Natural Spain, which had the feel of doing an interview to publicize AM the other side of the river, like I said :)
How wonderful it is to see that what you do with so much love and dedication, cale in the hearts of people, and your contribution is valued with their affection!
Heartfelt thanks also to my dear and fabulous photographer Asia Pimentel, who so lovingly took me countless pictures, in which captures my essence without missing a detail!!! If you click on her name you will learn more about her and her excellent work!.
After reading the interview be sure to visit Go Natural Spain, and give them the same support they gave to me!
I recently had the audacity to invite Steph, Blogger and natural stylist Dominican Republic, to share their experience with us. Just two years ago, supported by family and friends, the adventure I throw the natural. Fue and was born Afro Mio, a blog dedicated to sharing their experience with other girls who also want to go ahead.
Steph is married, working in one of the beautiful hotels in the area of Punta Cana and also loves to smile. His optimism is contagious. That was how, again via this platform, I discovered an excellent woman: lovely, Funny, gay, natural and with a level of positivity surmountable only by his great heart. Let's do this: GOOOOOOOO!
1-Hola Steph, Natural sure many girls you already know through your Blog "Afro Mine" in RD, but for those who still do not know, Tell: Who are you? What do you do?…We have seen that you like fashion and styling, cigars a bit about this aspect.
Hello hello! First of all thank you for giving me the honor to answer these questions and be part of movement that I admire so much, GoNaturalSpain.
I tell them a little about me: My name is Stephany Peguero (my friends call me Steph) and in my daily life I am dedicated to Coordinate Events (Wedding & Groups) in a hotel in the area of Punta Cana and although it is a beautiful work and very satisfying, because it forms part of a very important moment in the lives of others, two years my heart has also opted for all that is the world of styling. For me they are very similar in that they both'm part of the lives of people.
I like fashion and styling, especially if you are focused on working women, like me. People with common lives and currents, like you and I, but with a nice clothes or the right style will feel even more special.
2- We know you have a nice blog dedicated to the care and maintenance of the Afro hair. Tell us about "Afro Mio" For example to achieve your goals… Or how you feel about.
Ay Afro Mio! S completely Steph AM, no matter it is a FB page with access to worldwide, there you will meet a girl who is on FB as it is in person. For better or worse, show me the way I am, with their super happy days, and not so, Afro Mio but really has made me a happy woman.
In September 2012 I got the idea to start documenting my natural hair history (to only 2 months since the big cut) and never in my life imagined that I was going to touch so many hearts, and meet so many beautiful people, when you see what most are my selfies. Here's how my day to day story.
It is easy to show as you are on social networks, where your words can be taken depending on who you read the, learn to accept criticism and learn to pass conflicting opinions, however today I am very happy. I'm still the same Steph almost two years ago, but a little more mature, and aware that not everyone will like what I post, but most are with me, and serve them something. My main goal with Afro Mine, It is to remain the same person no matter how much you grow AM, and achieve my story help change the perception people have of a woman wearing afro hair.
3- What is your opinion, everything that is happening in the DR and the rest of the world, the Natural Revolution? Do you think it may be a fad and therefore a passing, this fact or responds to a need for women of Afro hair and with it a revival of our African roots?
I love what's going on because every day are afro everywhere here in my country, and though the battle is not easy, together we are showing society that can. It is a daily struggle, but I feel that with each passing day women have been forming a tougher skin to the negative comments affect us less. I do not think it is a fashion, but rather I think it's a trend that came to stay!
4 – Mexico's recently-Kenyan Actress Lupita Nyongo, won an Oscar for his magnificent work in the film 12 Years of Slavery. How do you think that this image of Lupita and will influence the way you think of cultures, such as the Dominican Republic, where only 16% population is white , but an attitude of rejection remains true to the blackness and Afro hair?
Lupita so beautiful! See what is happening with Lupita is just part of the same evolutionary process to be black, afro hair out or otherwise be more cultures will not be a barrier, although discrimination lies from past centuries, I would think it's a sign that things are changing. 'Still a long way to plow'.
Regarding my beautiful land, Dominican Republic, I do not think Lupita is as influential, but each of us, We are planting the seed to germinate when this, have a society that accepts and loves all women regardless of whether is black, marrón o blanca, if the hair is "good", rizo o “malo”. I think we who with determination we influence our society to achieve appreciation and respect we all deserve!
5-Referring to your Cabello: What is considered the most difficult stage of the entire process? Product recommend that al 100%. A phrase of encouragement for those who have not yet taken the step. Your favorite style hairdo.
Uff the hardest part were the first 6 months, since moving to keep hair straight during 21 years old, take me long to learn to accept and love my hair at every stage that happened in those months. After there, the relationship was super good, with him because he learned how to tratarlo.
¿A phrase of encouragement? mmm always tell: “Si yo pude, you also can ". Then he told them the whole story on straightener and specifically my particular story. I also show them pictures of my hair when I smoothed yet, I was super healthy, and yet cut it all.
The secret lies in our determination. In much open to changes!
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